Indonesia dianugerahi diversitas budaya yang begitu luar biasa. Salah satu keragaman budaya yang sangat tinggi adalah batik. Corak batik di Indonesia sangat beragam. Ia tidak hanya berkembang di Pulau Jawa saja, namun juga di Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara dan Papua.

Pada artikel sebelumnya telah dibahas penggunaan metode biologi evolusioner dalam melihat perkembangan batik di Indonesia. Ribuan sampel motif dari berbagai daerah penjuru tanah air diproses secara komputasional sehingga menghasilkan pohon filomemetika, yang menggambarkan evolusi motif batik di Nusantara.

The Indonesian Traditional “Fractalist”

An information era has changed the way modern people living their life. When the manufacturing-centered industrial economy was introduced [6] with the electricity and electronics, the hi-tech social life was embraced by our ability to reproduce, replicate, and reshape knowledge. From there, information has become the center of social life.

Memetics of Ethno‐clustering Analysis

The works on phylomemetic trees related to certain cultural artifacts of ethnic cultures in Indonesian archipelago is advanced by the proposal of methodology that can yield a cultural tree reflecting the superposition of traditional song, architectural designs, and motif designs in fabric phylomemetic tree. The methodology used is by having

Cellular-Automata and Innovation within Indonesian Traditional Weaving Crafts

The paper reports the possibility of Indonesian traditional artisans of weaving designs and crafts to explore the cellular automata, a dynamical model in computation that may yield similar patterns. The reviews of the cellular automata due to the perspective of weaving process reveals that the latter would focus on macro-properties,

The Phylomemetics of Batik

The paper reports the analysis of phylomemetic tree onto batik motifs developed uniquely in all corners of living and in the heart of tradition of Indonesian people. The diversity is visualized, be it classical traditional motifs and the ones recognized to be recently innovated. This is the first important thing

Computational Batik Motif Generation: Innovation of Traditional Heritage by Fractal Computation

Human‐computer interaction has been the cause of the emerging innovations in many fields, including indesign and art, architectural, technological artifacts, and even traditional heritage. In the case of Indonesian traditional heritages, the computation of fractal designs has been introduced to develop batik design – the genuine textile art and skill

The computational generative patterns in Indonesian batik

The paper discusses the terminology behind batik crafting and showed the aspects of self-similarity in its ornaments. Even though a product of batik cannot be reduced merely into its decorative properties, it is shown that computation can capture some interesting aspects in the batik-making ornamentation. There are three methods that

Evolutionary Clustering in Indonesian Ethnic Textile Motifs

The wide varieties of Indonesian textiles could reflect the varsity that has been living with the diversity of Indonesian ethnic groups. Meme as an evolutionary modeling technique promises some conjectures to capture the innovative process of the cultural objects production in the particular collective patterns acquainted can be regarded as

Deconstructing Javanese Batik Motif; When Traditional Heritage Meets Computation

The paper discusses some aspects of Iterated Function System while referring to some interesting point of view into Indonesian traditional batik. The deconstruction is delivered in our recognition of the Collage Theorem to find the affine transform of the iterated function system that attracts the iteration of drawing the dots


Perhitungan dimensi fraktal melalui tranformasi Fourier terhadap batik menunjukkan hadirnya fraktal dengan dimensi fraktal bernilai antara 1 dan 2. Proses isen dalam batik merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan besar menghasilkan self‐affine sebagai salah satu sifat dari fraktal. Uji anova terhadap dimensi fraktal dengan metode ini mengelompokkan beberapa motif batik