
The computational generative patterns in Indonesian batik

The paper discusses the terminology behind batik crafting and showed the aspects of self-similarity in its ornaments. Even though a product of batik cannot be reduced merely into its decorative properties, it is shown that computation can capture some interesting aspects in the batik-making ornamentation. There are three methods that can be exploited to the generative batik, i.e.: using fractal as the main source of decorative patterns, the hybrid batik that is emerged from the acquisition of L-System Thue-Morse algorithm for the harmonization within the grand designs by using both fractal images and traditional batik patterns, and using the random image tessellation as well as previous tiling algorithms for generating batik designs. The latest can be delivered by using abroad sources of motifs and traditionally recognized graphics. The paper concludes with certain aspects that shows how the harmony of traditional crafting and modern computation could bring us a more creative aspects of the beautiful harmony inherited in the aesthetic aspects of batik crafting.

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