26 Jul 2023

Situs Megalitikum Gunung Padang: Perspektif untuk Studi Arkeo-musikologi, Arkeo-Geografi, & Arkeo-Astronomi

Some parts of the largest megalithic site in Southeast Asia at Gunung Padang, Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia are observed. We report some conjectures on the elements of archaeo-astronomy, archaeo-geography, and archaeo-musicology for further studies on the ancient settlement of West Java responsible for the megalithic architectural structure. The presentation is

26 Jul 2023

Ada Tradisi Musikal di Situs Megalitikum Gunung Padang, Indonesia?

This presentation is a report from an expedition to megalithic site in Gunung Padang, Cianjur District, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. The functionalities of the site at the time it was built is still being questions and in ongoing archaeological research. Yet, the site kept a very rich architectural insights in it.